Chapter 4

Last time, everyone had a birthday and Jacklyn was randomly chosen as our heiress.

09-07-14_2-21 AM

The main focus here is really the skilling.  No one is allowed to do anything else.  Jacklyn is working charisma, Victor is painting and Jaiden is getting his logic.

09-07-14_2-49 AM

As a collector, Jade has found some strange things, but nothing as strange as the voodoo doll.  She tried to use it on Brianne (her lowest relationship), but it backfired and she was pissed off all day.

09-07-14_3-05 AM

I don’ t know it if just me, but getting these fools to skill is like pulling teeth.

09-07-14_3-16 AM-2

Contrary to what you may believe, Jade “Ugly” Bassett is my favorite and I was sad she did not earn heiress.  I spend most of my time with her doing her collector stuff for her aspiration and working the guitar for her job.  When she gets through her queue of digging/frog collecting, she usually pulls out her guitar and skills.  Yay.

Sebastian's Book

Jenn wrote a Children’s book for Sebastion’s memorialization, earning the 2 points for the two generations done.

09-07-14_3-53 AM

Eden works out a lot, but she never seems to lose weight.  Jade on the other hand is looking pretty good in her ugly jumpsuit.  She has lost at least 5 dress sizes.

09-07-14_4-01 AM-2

09-07-14_4-20 AM

Sebastian maxes the writing skill and then heads downstairs where he then makes an announcement.

09-07-14_4-20 AM-2

I was really bummed when it was to die of natural causes.  He was at level 8 of his career, but was off for several days.  There was enough time to spend his leftover points and clear out his inventory.  He was 111 years old.

09-07-14_4-23 AM

Jenn immediately calls the sadness hotline.   The twins went to school that day and aged up that night then the game crashed.

What was lost the first time:  Sebastian getting level 10 in writing and level 9 in his career before dying a natural death.  The first time Brianne and Jacklyn aged up to adult.  Brianne earning an A and Jacklyn gaining her B grade.  Lot’s of career level gains for the adults. 


09-07-14_1-35 PM

They lost about three days from the crash.  I immediately got Sebastian back practicing writing for his last level (which takes eons because he gets writer’s block and has to take bubble baths all the time).  Jade had two days off from work and had almost 1,000 points.  Her goal?  To keep Sebastian alive by doing anything and everything to get to 1,500 points for the youth potion.  No one else was even close (ranging from 100 points to 700 points).  She used the family money up with her 20 point wants (how cheap, EA).

09-07-14_1-42 PM-2

Sebastian re-gets his level 10 in writing with a day to spare since I knew his death was coming this time around.

09-07-14_1-52 PM-2

It took Jade two days, but just before Sebastian’s was to die, Jade slipped him the youth potion.

09-07-14_1-55 PM

Jade even found a new collection, Space Prints from the observatory.

09-07-14_2-01 PM-2

Eden and Jenn each made a cake with the updated dual stove kitchen and the twins become Young Adults.

09-07-14_2-15 PM

With a new lease on life, Sebastian brings home Level 9 in his career.  He has to submit two books to the Literary Digest now.  He had a book in his inventory and we quickly found out that you can only do it once a week.  With Sebastian only allowed one youth potion, we now have to cross our fingers that he lives another week.   Dammit.

09-07-14_2-21 PM

In case you were wondering, the others do exist.  Here is Jaiden doing a gaming competition.

09-07-14_2-27 PM

I sent Jade, Brianne and Jacklyn to the club where it was Geriatric Night.

Jade did a whole bunch of collecting and only needed one more crystal.  She also got $30 in tips playing guitar.  (She needs $100 for a promotion).

09-07-14_2-52 PM

Jacklyn was flirting with this guy, but the girls were so tired and hungry that I sent them home.   As soon as they got home, the game crashed again.

What was lost the second time (after replaying past the twins’ adult birthday):  Jade getting all frogs and fossils (still needed 1 crystal) for her 2nd milestone.  Jacklyn choosing her spouse/baby daddy.  A lot of space pics from the  observatory from Eden and Brianne.

Replay Again

09-07-14_3-08 PM

Jade was out collecting again when Katrina Caliente stopped to chat.  Jaiden is doing so well at work, that I had him come over and chat her up while Jade continued on her collecting spree.  She got back up to where she was (almost) and only needs 2 crystals now.  Katrina rebuffed Jaiden’s second flirt, and then he ran off to work.

09-07-14_5-08 PM

I got bored with the roof, so everyone migrated out front.

09-07-14_7-13 PM

Here is the new house.  There’s even trees and flowers now!

09-07-14_7-42 PM-2

Here are a few career rewards from everyone and the dolls that Jade has almost completed the collection of.

09-07-14_7-41 PM

09-07-14_7-42 PM

It’s not much, but it will do until I get bored with it again.

09-07-14_8-47 PM

Of course the house isn’t a house until everyone has a drink or 10.

09-07-14_8-51 PM

After the the Geriatric debacle, I left everyone home and only sent Jade to get tips.  Of course that means it’s beefcake night and Jacklyn was at work (new career: Criminal).  She got $10 in tips.  Cheapskates.

09-07-14_9-10 PM

Back home and Jenn and Sebastian were on hand to make sure that Jacklyn did not kill herself fixing the overused stereo.

Jade mileston

Then Jade completed her second milestone finally.  After sending off all gems to the geostone place, all Jade had to do was breed 10 frogs.  She had a million frogs to breed, but there is a wait between each breeding, a couple of hours that I noticed.

09-07-14_9-52 PM

Now that Jade was on freewill finally, Jaiden needed to win two chess games.  Jenn will get the next level of her career after her mobile app royalties hit $2,000 (or something).  Eden is just needing work performance as does Victor.  Sebastian is still waiting out the week for the next book in his inventory to be sent off the digest people.

09-07-14_9-53 PM

Brianne and Jenn fight over the observatory.  Brianne has 20 space prints in her inventory.

09-07-14_9-54 PM

I am definitely not liking the legacy rules.  Eden just got level 7 in culinary and she just aged up to full adult too.  It’s so sad.  All she wants is a husband and kids and I can’t let her.

09-07-14_9-58 PM

Jaiden hit the gym and Eden was in a good mood and joined him.

09-07-14_10-20 PM

Opposite of real life, Eden slims down better as a 40 year old.    I wish it was that easy for me!  (shh. I’ll be 41 in 19 days.)

09-07-14_10-22 PM

Sebastian and Jenn’s romance bar was almost empty, so I had them finally talk to each other and then get some old people fun time going.

09-07-14_10-31 PM

Jade should have been heiress!  She bred her 10 frogs and bought three more youth potions.  (She bought the first one, but her dad drank it).  She is on her last milestone.  She immediately completed one by having 5 extra dolls her in her inventory and the second by having collected 50 items.  She just needs to complete a collection.

09-07-14_11-19 PM

Jaiden had a want for a weird game and I saw the rocket ship.  I think it took him and another sim two or three days to build it.

09-07-14_11-40 PM

Sebastian:  Back away from that strange contraption, Jacklyn!  Dad should be the first to try it out make sure it is safe for our use.
Jacklyn:  Hold it right there, pops.  I am not stopping until I pee myself or pass out.

It’s an addiction.  They will kill themselves to play this game.

09-07-14_11-50 PM-2

Victor finally completed a milestone and now wants to have two skills with level 4 and three jobs at level 2.  He quits being a painter and hires on as a level 2 criminal.  Quits and hires on as a level 1 something or other, but gets level 2 the next day.  He will not get anymore milestones done, so he ends up back as a painter.

09-07-14_11-58 PM

Eden has been doing very well on her exercising, but I thought she needed help and she had enough points for the lean potion.

Eden:  Wonderful job decorating.  The banner just sort of fails as window dressing.
Hush.  At least you have windows and decorating.

09-07-14_11-59 PM-2

Omg Eden.  Go eat a sandwich.  You look anorexic!
Eden:  You’re just never happy are you?
It’s jealousy.  You should have passed that drink to me to test out first.

09-08-14_12-00 AM

Say goodbye, Victor.
Victor:  Goodbye, Victor.  …  Hey!  Where am I going?
I evicted some people and you are taking their house.

09-08-14_12-26 AM

Sebastian:  Did you have to profess your undying love for me right now?
Jenn:  Yes.  Appreciate it as I might not be around forever, you old goat.
Sebastian:  But, I really, really have to pee.
Jenn:  My love is more important than your weak old man bladder.

09-08-14_12-32 AM

Eden:  Ma?  What are you doing?
Jenn:  Alerting the media that your finally getting out of here.

09-08-14_12-44 AM

We are just waiting for Jaiden to get back from his trip to say goodbye the four kids moving out.

09-08-14_12-45 AM

It seemed like a good trip though!

Jaiden, Victor, Eden and Brianne all moved out.  It only took 3 searches and 40 minutes to find out how to do that.

09-08-14_12-59 AM

Jacklyn:  Hey there , hot stuff.
J Huntington:  Yeah, I’m not feeling it.
Jacklyn:  You better start, mister.  I’m love starved and on the prowl.
J Huntington:  You are not even in the same social class as me.  I mean, c’mon loser, isn’t that your sister manning the bar?
Jacklyn:  Eden?  Oh well.  I hate snobs like you.

09-08-14_1-06 AM

Jarrod:  I am so awesome.
Jacklyn:  *agrees*

09-08-14_1-07 AM

Jarrod:  Jarrod likes you, baby.
Jacklyn:  *flutters eyelashes like a brainless twit*

09-08-14_1-08 AM

He and Jacklyn hit it off pretty good and after they worked up to their first kiss, I mosied away to find Jade inside dancing.  I took her around for collecting, but nothing much of interest showed up.

09-08-14_1-18 AM

When I got back to Jacklyn, I found her having lunch with some random people.  Then I sent her and Jade home.

09-08-14_1-20 AM

Upon returning home, I noticed that Jacklyn had about six hours until she left for work.  She invited Jarrod over.

Jacklyn:  How did he get here so fast?  I just now hung up.

09-08-14_1-22 AM-2

Jacklyn and Jarrod chatted for a little while and he agreed to not only be her boyfriend, but to also try for baby.

Jarrod:  Try for whaty?
Jacklyn:  Never you mind.

09-08-14_1-25 AM

Jarrod:  You really want me to move in?
Jacklyn:  Yep.  That $20,000 in your pocket will come in quite handy.

Jacklyn is almost a full adult and it is so much easier now that most of the kids are gone.  Next time there will be more goodbyes, but generation 3 will be born too.

Family:  2
Creative:  2
Fortune:  –
Love: 7 I misread the rules.  This will be corrected in the next update, so scoring is incorrect.
Knowledge: – 8
Athletic: –
Nature: –
Food: 4
Popularity: 2
Deviance: 7

Total:  32
Penalties: 0

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